La Robbia Laboratorio Tinture Naturali e Arti ApplicateAtzara
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La Robbia of M. Savoldo is a particular and suggestive craftsmanship of natural dyeing of yarns and fabrics. With formular and procedures that draw on the rich heritage of local expertise, which he studied deeply, he obtains a colorful sample book that enchants and inspires. Over time Maurizio, with the precious collaboration of Angela and Federica, combines the dyeing activity with a valuable production of textile complements of which the chromatic plays of the yarns, woven on loom, knitted or printed, represent the distinctive feature. The knitwear line and the accessories line with handmade weavings are added to the natural yarns sample book. New is the production of stoles and scarves with eco-printing.
La Robbia Laboratorio Tinture Naturali e Arti Applicate